The Best Crypto Insurance Companies In 2023

This article will discuss the best crypto insurance companies in 2023. Numerous insurance companies provide crypto traders and investors insurance coverage for their crypto assets.

Key Takeaway In This Article

• You will learn about crypto insurance.
• You will know the average cost of crypto insurance.
• You will learn about the best crypto insurance companies.
• The 5 best ways to secure your cryptocurrency.

Crypto Insurance Companies

What Is Crypto Insurance?

Crypto insurance is insurance coverage specifically designed to provide protection against any form of cryptocurrency theft, losses, and loss of capital in cryptocurrency trading.

The Average Cost Of Crypto Insurance

Crypto insurance covers any loss arising from crypto trading performed by an individual. Traders and investors are known to take a crypto insurance policy to protect their assets against loss or theft.

The average cost of crypto insurance policies ranges from $10 to $750 and mainly guarantees that a digital asset owner is protected against phishing, device theft, hacking, or malware.

The Best Crypto Insurance Companies You Should Know

Numerous insurance companies are actively utilizing blockchain and cryptocurrencies in their diverse activities. Below are the best crypto insurance companies you should know.

• Nexus Mutual

Nexus Mutual is a prominent decentralized insurance fund that operates on a particular blockchain. This insurance company utilizes smart contracts to pool funds and share insurance claims.

• Etherisc

Etherisc is a protocol mainly designed for insurance purposes on the Ethereum blockchain. The company allows for massive investment in the insurance fund or being insured by the fund.

• Aon

Aon is an old insurance company that offers professional risk solutions to multiple businesses. It also provides diverse risk solutions in blockchain-related areas, including crypto brokerages, mining, and blockchain protocols.

• Evertas

Evertas is a top insurance company that underwrites insurance for users of blockchain and cryptocurrency explicitly. The company suitably protects against online hacking and loss of private keys.

• Coincover

Coincover is an excellent centralized insurance option for different smart contracts, crypto wallets as well as exchanges. They specifically focus on providing insurance to various cryptocurrency companies against online scams or hacks.

• Lemonade

Lemonade is an insurance company based online and utilizes blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make it easy for coverage applications and obtaining claims. It remains one of the reputable crypto insurance companies.

Is Blockchain Used In Insurance?

Yes, blockchain is used in insurance. Numerous insurance providers utilize the blockchain to ensure automation in claims payment. By using these blockchains, automation of claims through coverage verification between reinsurers and companies is made easy and possible.

What Is Crypto Insurance Fund?

A crypto insurance fund stands for the entire amount of liquidation fees maintained by This fund is designed to provide cover against losses experienced by traders and investors whenever their wallet balance is less than 0 USD.

The 5 Best Ways To Secure Your Cryptocurrency

There are numerous ways crypto traders and investors can successfully protect their crypto assets. Below are the 5 best ways to secure your cryptocurrency.

#1. Trade On Reputable Platforms

One of the best ways to secure your cryptocurrency is to trade on secure and trusted exchange platforms. Numerous exchange platforms offer a user the best security for their transactions.

#2. Store Your Crypto Asset In Multiple Cold Wallets

Cold wallets are one of the best places where individuals can store their crypto assets after purchases. Having multiple cold wallets is an excellent way to ensure your cryptocurrency is safe.

#3. Use A Secure Internet Connection

Another way to secure your cryptocurrency is to utilize a secured internet connection whenever you are trading. You should use your internet rather than an easily accessible wifi connection.

#4. Utilize 2-Factor Authentication

2-factor authentication is a popular and safer way of protecting your crypto asset portfolio. Consider setting up a 2-factor authentication for your wallet and trading account.

#5. Beware Of Scams

There are numerous cases of scams when it comes to cryptocurrency trading, so you need to be careful. Ensure to investigate any crypto investment you intend to consider so as not to suffer from scams.


There are numerous crypto insurance companies that one can consider for diverse crypto cover. These companies support blockchain and cryptocurrency users and help with the best insurance cover.

We hope this article provides enough information on the best crypto insurance companies in 2023. Kindly visit our comment section for your views and opinions.


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Below are some of the frequently asked questions and answers on crypto insurance companies.

Do Insurance Companies Accept Cryptocurrency?

Yes, there are insurance companies that accept cryptocurrency.

Does Insurance Cover Stolen Crypto?

Yes, insurance covers stolen crypto.

Does Coinbase Insure Your Crypto?

Yes, Coinbase ensures user’s crypto assets are insured.

Will Coinbase Refund If Hacked?

Yes, Coinbase refunds hacked accounts.

Why Is Cyber Insurance So Expensive?

Cyber insurance is expensive because it takes a long time to realize a default activity and this malfunction.

Is Robinhood Crypto Insured?

No, Robinhood is not crypto-insured.

Does Cyber Insurance Cover Cryptocurrency?

Yes, Cyber insurance cover cryptocurrency.

You can learn more from the video below:

About Author

Crypto Insurance Companies
Victor Akpan
I am a content writer with over 2 years of experience in content writing. I create quality and highly researched content on cryptocurrency and forex.

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