How Web 3.0 will Impact Businesses?

Web 3.0 is the upcoming 3rd generation of the internet where apps and websites will be able to process information in a more intelligent human-like way through technologies such as machine learning (ML), Big Data, decentralized ledger technology (DLT), etc.

Web 3.0 was originally named (Semantic Web) by the World Wide Web (www) inventor (Tim Berners-Lee). Its aim was to be a more autonomous, intelligent, and open internet.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the third-generation internet, and it is the next evolution of the World Wide Web. Web 3.0 provides a data-driven Semantic Web that employs a machine-based understanding of data to develop a more intelligent and connected web experience for users.

The Web 3.0 data will be interconnected in a more decentralized way, that would be a huge leap forward to the current generation of the internet (Web 2.0), where data are stored in centralized repositories.

Web 3.0
Photo credit: Techno Pixel

When Web 3.0 Started

The web 3.0 denomination appeared firstly in 2006. John Markoff of New York introduced the term, and it was referred to as a supposed third generation of Internet-based services, which collectively comprise what might be called the intelligent Web.

Web 3.0 tools and their Purpose

The main characteristics of the Web 3.0 tools found in the reviewed literature include the following:

  • Artificial intelligence

In Web3, computers will have the ability to recognize and evaluate information like human beings so as to be able to provide better and more relevant results.

This means that the computer has to use both natural language processing joint with artificial intelligence to process information like the user, thus meeting the user’s need.

  • The Semantic Web

Is believed to be the route to the golden age of information; this is because it improves web technologies helping to connect and share content. And also, in the evolution/advancement of the Semantic Web, computers will be able to understand internet data directly.

This will achieve by being able to comprehend/understand the meaning behind words and not using keywords or numbers to decode the content. As part of Web 3.0 tools, it will make the use of the Web easier and user friendly.

  • Connectivity

Web3 will provide the same content amid various applications, and services will be made available on different devices which is accessible from anywhere.

This way, all the information an organization requires during its operations is available and can be leveraged from numerous devices across the globe.

  • 3D Graphics

Web 3.0 relies largely on 3-dimensional designs to make websites more interactive. For instance, computer games, e-commerce galleries, and also museum guides are some examples of the 3D graphics on Web3.

Web 3.0 is set to be a 3-dimensional internet in which the use of avatars, virtual reality, and also augmented reality will be the norm in operations.

List of Web 3.0 startups doing Great

  • Polygon
  • Terra
  • Mysterium Network
  • ConsenSys
  • Biconomy
  • Huddle01
  • Brave
  • BitPay
  • KoineArth
  • Animocabrands
  • Luno
  • ConsenSys
  • Chainalysis
  • StarkWare
  • Bitmain
  • Helium
  • Argent

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How to Invest in Web 3.0

There are many ways to invest in Web3, and given the fact that its launch date is getting closer and closer, now might be the perfect time to invest in NFTs, the Metaverse, or cryptocurrencies.

  • Investing in Web 3.0: NFTs

When you hear the word NFT, you may instantly think about digital art collectibles, like Cryptopunks. Or might think of memes, such as Side-eyeing Chloe. But in truth, this is just a tiny part of what NFTs really are and can be used for.

For beginners, NFTs can be used as a form of currency to pay content creators. And it can also be used for document verification, similar to that of vaccine passports. Due to the historical ownership data that is included in NFTs makes them an exciting and great option for document verification.

NFTs can also be implemented and used in logistics to allow consumers to learn about the stages of production a product has gone through and also what the duration was.

In summary, NFTs have several potentials, which will increase with the introduction of Web.0, making them a viable and worthwhile investment option for the future.

  • Investing in Web 3.0: Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is widely believed to be one of the foundation aspects of the Web3.0. It is anticipated that cryptocurrency will play an important role in the buying and selling of goods and services on Web3.0.

The Web3 experts have stated already that they expect Web3 .0 to provide much more cryptocurrency inclusivity for payments, gaming, and also investing.

With this in mind, cryptocurrency could be an excellent and exciting investment choice within Web3.0.

Here are some of the few top cryptocurrencies to consider investing in for Web3.0:

  • Ethereum (ETH-USD)
  • Polkadot (DOT-USD)
  • Decentraland (MANA-USD)
  • Helium (HNT-USD)
  • Chainlink (LINK-USD)
  • Theta (THETA-USD)
  • The Graph (GRT-USD)
  • Filecoin (FIL-USD)

Investing in Web 3.0: The Metaverse

Lots of businesses recently have been exploring their options on the Metaverse r, with many more to follow.

Some of the leading examples are brands like Adidas, Nike, and Fortnite, which have built metaverses in The Sandbox and Roblox, in which they are planning to provide fans with content exclusive to their Metaverse.

But exclusive content is not just the only benefit of the Metaverse, and it also offers lots of benefits for collaborations and also day-to-day interactions.

Some of these collaborations are better in person, while others are much better online. Accenture’s Nth Floor, for example, is a metaverse that permits co-workers to work digitally together.

Metaverses are believed to be a large part of the future of Web3.0, making it an exciting investment option or opportunity.

As with any investment, ensure to do your research before investing, and also only invest money that you can afford to lose.

Let’s have your view and opinion on web 3.0 in the comment section below.

Watch the video below to know how Web 3.0 will impact Businesses:

About Author

Web 3.0
Precious Ejimofor
My name is Precious Ejiofor, I am a professional self motivated, dependable writer and editor, with over 4 year of experience in writing for variety of business and platforms. I am able and capable to write on any kind of topic.
Specifically, I focus on producing persuasive and compelling contents that is thoughtful, prominent, and engaging.

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