How to Brainstorm for New Business Ideas in 2023

The Idea of a person being their boss and putting their time and effort into a business of their own seems pretty satisfying. But, they may have already realized that coming up with a profitable and viable business idea can be a lot challenging.

Maybe they don’t think they have any ideas. Or, rather, they have plenty of ideas, but they don’t know if the ideas are worth it, and in return, they are struggling to write a business plan for their new business.

In this article, we will be discussing what brainstorming is, techniques for brainstorming, and how to brainstorm new business ideas.

How to brainstorm for new business ideas

What is brainstorming 

An individual is an aspiring business owner who wants to start a small business but they don’t have any startup ideas. That’s where brainstorming comes in. Brainstorming is an excellent way to get the creative juices flowing and circulating and create a comfortable space to think about new ideas. After a brainstorming session, people can be well on their way to their profitable businesses.

It is a creative process where a group or a person sits down with problems in mind and spontaneously contributes answers to that problem. It is an innovative method for generating many ideas to solve a specific problem. It can be done by a group, led by a facilitator, or individually.

Brainstorming methods can be as detailed as making a mind map or as simple as making lists. It happens at the beginning stage of a project, and its goal is to end up with a significant number of ideas to help define the problem at hand and all of the possible creative solutions.


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Techniques for Excellent Brainstorming Sessions

#1. Go for quantity.

While brainstorming, people may want to focus on only a minimum number of ideas—no matter what, they should try to resist this urge! Coming up with as many ideas as possible will help them unlock new avenues of thought, and they can keep building off of their old ideas to come up with better ones for even better brainstorming.

#2. Don’t judge the ideas. 

Inhibitions can dampen creativity; when people are worried about the quality of every Idea they have, they often won’t be able to generate enough ideas to explore their imagination. For genuinely effective brainstorming, let themselves think freely and go wild—save the judgments for later.

3. Brainstorm in a group.

People should brainstorm with at least one or two others wherever possible. Everybody’s minds are a little different, and bringing a few group members in to offer ideas from different perspectives is the best way to explore ideas people wouldn’t have come up with during brainstorming alone.

You can learn more from the video below:

Steps on how to Brainstorm for new business 

The brainstorming process is the perfect way to generate significant business ideas—for business beginners and experts alike—because it’s all about creativity, imagination, idealization, and problem-solving. Brainstorming avoids putting limitations or restraints on people’s thoughts. If they want to start a new business but are unsure what business model to use, following a few brainstorming steps can be excellent for them to unlock their imagination and find just the right Idea for a successful business.

  • Brainstorm Their Purpose

     When brainstorming ideas for a business, a good starting point is to find the thing that will keep pushing them forward, otherwise known as their ‘why.” Why are they doing this? Why is it so crucial?

There are 3 pillars of a business’s purpose:

What do people enjoy doing?

 People want their business to focus on something they enjoy—otherwise, they won’t enjoy running it. It goes beyond business and encompasses hobbies and activities, like “telling a tale.”

What they are good at work and in life

Ideally, businesses should take advantage of the skills they have already developed—whether that’s something as universal as listening to people or job-specific as coding. People may not have experience in an industry, but think about this: Are they the person who knows a niche intimately for another reason? Might the people making products in a specific sector not have their unique knowledge and ideas about those products? They may know more about what they want to make than everyone already making products like it.

 The best way to come up with this list is to ask themselves what pain points they are aware of and what unmet needs they can fill. Suppose they are having difficulty answering this question. In that case, they should consider making a log of every design, product, or process they come across that bothers them and then offer some solutions. During this process, they must also outline their potential customers—who they will serve and how?  

How they want to serve the world

Knowing their target audience and the market will help them further define their purpose. While brainstorming their purpose, they should constantly ask themselves “why”: Why doesn’t a specific product exist? Why hasn’t any service or product within a specific space evolved in a while?

  • Let Their Mind Wander

People should give themselves some room to dream by putting themselves in a creative mindset. Go somewhere where they know they won’t be interrupted—for instance, their bedroom, study room, or somewhere in nature, a very quiet and calm environment. They should spend a few minutes wiping their mind of other tasks and worries. They should focus on creating a blank slate upon which to sketch business ideas.

If they are having a hard time finding out where they do their best thinking, they should try this out:

Every day for a week, they should spend 30 minutes of their time brainstorming in 7 different places. After the end of the week, they will have to evaluate which place lets them be the most creative.

Once they find the place, they should spend another week thinking in that space for 30 minutes daily. If they realize that they rarely find themselves in their best thinking space, they should make a manageable change in their routine to put them there more regularly. It means fabricating a commute, or perhaps it means foregoing their favorite podcast while they shower so they can brainstorm ideas instead.

  • Research

Once they have a good list of business ideas, it’s time for them to start researching to focus and hone on the ideas. If they are starting in their industry, they may not know what questions to ask about their business, so they should start by doing some basic research on the line of industry. They should go to their local library and take out some books about the field they are entering or do some Google searches of its history. That will prepare them with a knowledge that most manufacturers may not expect from a person who is just entering their world and could engender some respect and regard.

  • Filter Their Ideas

So, the people have collected some solid ideas and done research, but they still need to figure out which one is their Idea to start making their business plan. There are 3 standard filters that successful entrepreneurs will use to hone in on their top priorities, which are money, time, and resources. They can evaluate the ideas based on these priorities to determine which creative ideas are feasible for them. To evaluate their ideas, they should ask themselves these questions about every thought on their list:

• How much will it cost them to make the product?

• How difficult is it going to be to make this product?

• How much will it cost to ship the product?

• How heavy is the product?

• How many manufacturers will it take for them to make it?

• How big of a team do they need to help them make and sell their product?

They can also use a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to help evaluate their brainstorming ideas.

  • Name The Business

It may seem weird to think about naming a business so early in the process of brainstorming, but there’s a reason a name can help them early on: when people name something, it makes it feel more natural to them; they feel more attached and drawn to the business ideal. Giving their product or business a name now can help give their ideas life and energy.

They should try playing a little word-association game during their brainstorming session to come up with some names for their products or business. Without them thinking too hard, they should focus on their business and quickly write down the first 6-10 words that come to mind. The next step is for them to play around with those words, changing a letter or two or combining them and seeing what they can come up with.

  • People should develop their Idea Before they share Them.

Validation and communication are part of human nature. When people come up with an idea they love, they may need to share it right away with the people they are close to.

But sharing their ideas too soon can result in problems: sharing ideas leads to immediate feedback from the people they shared it with, and that feedback may be harmful, even if it comes from a place of concern and love. People may be pleased about their Idea of a new product only to be doubted by their family and friends.

Suppose people take the time to work on and develop their Idea—doing market research and asking themselves all pertinent questions regarding their money, resources, and time. In that case, they will have thought about all its potential pitfalls and success (peak). That means they will have answers ready when their family and friends come at them with skepticism. What’s more, any negative feedback they might get won’t likely lead to them abandoning their project; they can be confident in the work they have already done.


Starting a business can be the most rewarding decision a person can ever make. People shouldn’t allow a lack of ideas to hold them back from their entrepreneurial dreams. Instead, follow the guidance we have listed here to brainstorm ideas until they find one.


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